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Логотип Российского квантового центра

Group of

Coherent Microoptics and Radiophotonics

Igor Bilenko

Igor Bilenko

Principal Investigator

О группе

We are doing optical experiments with optical frequency combs based on nonlinear microresonators in visible and near infrared regions and are working on narrow-band lasers and electro-optical modulators based on high-Q microresonators

Igor Bilenko

The group was founded in March 2014. The main directions of research are associated with whispering gallery mode optical microresonators – compact transparent crystalline disks or spheroids that can catch light with a giant quality factor up to 10^11. We are investigating different classical nonlinear and quantum effects in microresonators and are looking for practical applications. Optical frequency combs can be used in compact devices for material absorption spectroscopy, calibration of astronomical spectrographs to search for exoplanets, in fiber-optic telecommunication data networks with record speed, for fast distance measurements (LIDAR), as well as in a synthesizer absolute optical frequencies. Another focus area is the study of microresonators composed of electro-optic materials for radiophotonic applications and cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments.

In its field, the laboratory is one of the leading in the world. We can manufacture crystalline high-Q microresonators of any geometry using industrial precision diamond turning equipment.

Направления деятельности


  • Valery Lobanov

    Senior Researcher

  • Nikita Dmitriev


  • Artem Shitikov


  • Kirill Minkov


  • Andrey Danilin


  • Ilya Gorelov

    Junior Researcher

  • Tatiana Tebeneva


  • Alexandra Sakharova

    Junior researcher

  • Daria Sokol

    Junior Researcher

История группы

  • 2014
    • The first group meeting
    • Planning and ordering of lab equipment
    • First optical materials for optical microresonators are bought for the lab (CaF2, MgF2, LiNbO3, SiO2), and first optical microresonators are fabricated
    • Prof. Tobias Kippenberg (EPFL, Switzerland) is our first guest scientist. Since 2015 we are working in close collaboration in terms of a joint Russian-Swiss grant
  • 2015
    • Gaining the experience of diamond turning in the DAC ALM Company (Santa Barbara, California, USA) of the group consisting of I. Bilenko, G. Likhachev, N. Pavlov
    • First laser from Newport arrives and the first RQC written paper is published in Optics Express
  • 2016
    • Our first Science paper
    • LIGO announces the detection of gravitational waves (three members of the group are in the author list)
    • Elsevier and Russian Foundation for Basic Research awarded Mikhail Gorodetsky as the most cited Russian Scientist of the year (Scopus Award Russia)
    • Our paper in Nature Physics about soliton switching is published online
    • Our paper about mid-infrared microresonators is published in Nature Communications
    • Theory and experimental confirmation of harmonization of chaos into soliton in Kerr frequency combs is published in Optics Express
  • 2017
    • Our paper about dual frequency combs (promising for applications) is published in Optics Letters
    • Theoretical investigation of soliton Cherenkov radiation in microresonators is published in Physical Review A
    • Paper about high-contrast frequency combs is published in Optica
    • A leading theoretician in the field of quantum measurements Prof. Farit Khalili joins our group. We are opening a new quantum front!
    • Our paper about breather regimes is published in Nature Communications
    • Our paper about pulling effect of laser diode is published in Optics Express
    • Our paper about Raman effect combs is published in Optics Express
  • 2018
    • Our paper about novel integrated coupling element is published in Optics Letters
    • Our paper about frequency combs in bottle microresonators is published in Optics Letters
    • An article on dissipative Kerr solitons is published in Science
    • Publication of an article on thermorefractive noise in microresonators in Physics Letters A
    • An article on spatial multiplexing of solitons is published in Nature Photonics
    • An article on the solitons generation using a conventional laser diode is published in Nature Photonics
    • Publication of an article on the stabilization of a multiwavelength laser by a high-Q microresonator in Optics Express
    • A review of the history of the nonlinear dynamics described by the Lugiato-Lefever system in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
    • An article on the achievement of the billionth Q-factor in silicon microresonators is published in Optica